Arkansas Grass Types

Arkansas is like other states in the lower portion of the United States with climates ranging from colder winters up north, or hotter conditions to the south. Because of this, different varieties of grass types are grown in different parts of the state. Some grasses are easy to maintain, but others are more difficult. There are two grasses that can grow anywhere in the state and are excellent choices for landscaping.


Look for centipede grass in central and south Arkansas. Centipede looks similar to St. Augustine but has smaller coarse leaves and is a lighter shade of green. It is slow growing, starts successfully from seed and requires less maintenance compared to other grasses. Optimal mowing height is 1½ inches to 2 inches, and it has a poor tolerance for traffic and wear.

  • Arkansas is like other states in the lower portion of the United States with climates ranging from colder winters up north, or hotter conditions to the south.
  • It is slow growing, starts successfully from seed and requires less maintenance compared to other grasses.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky Bluegrass grows in northern Arkansas. It is a high-maintenance grass that doesn't tolerate dry conditions well, but it is an excellent choice to withstand winter conditions, according to the agriculture department of the University of Arkansas. Kentucky Bluegrass blades are a medium texture with a medium to dark green coloring. Plant this grass by seed or sod, and expect a slow growth rate.

Tall fescue

Tall fescue grows in central and northern Arkansas, although it grows best in the north. This grass type is popular because of its ability to withstand shade and cold temperatures. Tall Fescue can exist well in all types of weather, shade and dryness. Look for coarse, medium to dark green blades of grass. Plant this grass from seed or sod. Tall Fescue has a good traffic tolerance, but is not good at recovering from damage.

  • Kentucky Bluegrass grows in northern Arkansas.
  • Tall Fescue can exist well in all types of weather, shade and dryness.

St. Augustine

St. Augustine can be found in the south of Arkansas, where the warmer climate is. St. Augustine grass has a poor tolerance to cool temperatures but an excellent tolerance to heat. This coarse, medium to dark green grass has a moderately high maintenance level and can be allowed to grow up to 4 inches before mowing. Plant St. Augustine grass by sod or plugs, and expect a moderate to fast growth rate.


This Arkansas grass type does well any part of the state. Zoysia tolerates to heat and cold and has a high tolerance to drought. The blades have a medium to fine texture and pale to medium green coloration. The tolerance to wear and the ability to recuperate are good, but the grass should be kept to a height of 1 to 2 inches. Plant this grass by seed, sod, plugs or sprigs, and expect a slow growth rate.

  • St. Augustine can be found in the south of Arkansas, where the warmer climate is.
  • This coarse, medium to dark green grass has a moderately high maintenance level and can be allowed to grow up to 4 inches before mowing.


Bermuda grass grows throughout Arkansas because of its tolerance of winter and its excellent tolerance of heat and drought. The maintenance level for Bermuda grass is moderately high and it doesn't tolerate shade. Bermuda grass is a medium to dark green color with a medium fine texture to the blades. Mowing height for this grass is low, only ½ inch to 2 inches although the tolerance to wear and regrowth is considered excellent by the University of Arkansas Agriculture Department. Plant this grass by seed, sod, plug or sprig and expect a fast-growing lawn.
