How To Transplant Pachysandra

Things Needed

  • Garden spade
  • Aged compost
  • Rake
  • Shovel
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Sharp utility knife

Gardeners with shady areas needing groundcover often choose pachysandra to do the job. Because pachysandra spreads readily and thrives in shady locations, it is an ideal choice for filling in under trees and along northside building foundations. After pachysandra establishes itself with two to three years of growth, you can easily harvest parts of the densely growing plants and transplant the pachysandra to other areas of your landscape.

Step 1

Prepare a new planting area in the early spring or autumn, when the pachysandra is not actively growing. Cultivate the growing area down to a depth of approximately 4 inches with the garden spade. Add 2 inches of aged compost to the top of the soil and work this in well with the garden spade. Rake the surface of the new planting area smooth.

  • Gardeners with shady areas needing groundcover often choose pachysandra to do the job.
  • Cultivate the growing area down to a depth of approximately 4 inches with the garden spade.

Step 2

Remove a portion of the pachysandra from its growing location. Insert the tip of the shovel into the soil approximately 3 inches and then angle the shovel under the pachysandra to loosen it from the ground. Remove the shovel and slice through the piece of pachysandra on the sides so you can remove a portion that will fit on your shovel. Place this piece into the wheelbarrow. Repeat this process to harvest as much pachysandra as you wish to transplant.

Step 3

Examine the pachysandra in the wheelbarrow for any dead or diseased areas and remove these with the sharp knife.

Step 4

Plant the pachysandra pieces into the new planting area immediately. Dig holes with the shovel that are deep enough to plant the pachysandra at the same depth as it was previously growing. Space the pachysandra several inches apart in the new growing location and it will fill in readily to create a carpet of groundcover.

  • Remove a portion of the pachysandra from its growing location.
  • Remove the shovel and slice through the piece of pachysandra on the sides so you can remove a portion that will fit on your shovel.

Step 5

Water the newly transplanted pachysandra immediately after planting. Keep the plants evenly watered for the first two weeks after transplanting them to ensure they adjust to the transplant successfully.
