How To Cure White Powder On An African Violet

Step 1

Ensure proper diagnosis of powdery mildew. Powdery mildew starts as powdery white or gray patches or circular areas, then spreads to the entire surface of the leaf or petal. Ambient dust would coat the entire surface of the plant evenly.

Step 2

Correct cultural problems encouraging the growth of the fungus, such as growing the African violets in areas with cool, moist, stagnant air. Remove infected leaves that are weak or that have already shed, and space plants for better air circulation. Cut away such leaves with sharp, disinfected scissors. Move African violets to an area with better ventilation.

Step 3

  • Ensure proper diagnosis of powdery mildew.
  • Remove infected leaves that are weak or that have already shed, and space plants for better air circulation.

Step 4

Apply a fungicide if the infection persists after cultural remedies have been applied. Powdery mildew, though primarily a cosmetic pest, also weakens the plant and makes it inefficient. Ensure that the fungicide you apply is effective against powdery mildew and is safe to use on African violets. This information should be on the label.

Step 5

Clean all implements used on infected plants with rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth. This will help prevent the spread of powdery mildew.
