How To Remove Moss From Paving Stones

Moss tends to grow on paving stones that have been allowed to get dirty and covered in debris. It grows best where moisture accumulates. The area between paving stones make an ideal growing environment because moisture collects in the region along with organic material that allows the moss to take root. Moss accumulation on paving steps can become slippery, posing a walking hazard. Cool days are the ideal time for moss to grow, but it also thrives if outdoor conditions are humid and shady.

Step 1

Mix white vinegar with water at a1-1 ratio. Spray your paving stones with this liquid, using a handheld sprayer. Let sit for 20 to 30 minutes before trying to remove moss.

  • Moss tends to grow on paving stones that have been allowed to get dirty and covered in debris.
  • Cool days are the ideal time for moss to grow, but it also thrives if outdoor conditions are humid and shady.

Step 2

Peel the moss away with a large, sharp knife. Focus on the cracks between the paving stones, where the accumulation is normally the greatest.

Step 3

Use a paving brush to scrub the area thoroughly, and rinse with a hose when the paving stones are moss free.

Step 4

Spray the moss on your paving stones with a pressure washer to remove it. Make sure the area offers ample drainage.

Step 5

Apply a herbicide containing pelargonic acid, acetic acid or nitrilo triacetic acid/trisodium salt by spraying it on your moss-covered paving stones. Herbicides will kill the moss and offer protection against regrowth.

  • Peel the moss away with a large, sharp knife.
  • Spray the moss on your paving stones with a pressure washer to remove it.

Step 6

Apply a natural seaweed-based herbicide soap, and hose it off. This will not harm surrounding plants.

Step 7

Apply glyphosate to kill moss on paving stones where there is no danger of killing surrounding plant life. Glyphosate works well without discoloring your paving stones.


Brush and sweep your paving stones regularly to prevent moss growth.


Wear eye protection when using a pressure washer or spraying herbicide. Do not use products that contain ferrous sulfate on paving stones. They easily discolor stones. Always follow manufacturer's directions when using herbicides.

Things Needed

  • White vinegar
  • Spray bottle
  • Sharp knife
  • Paving brush
  • Pressure washer
  • Herbicide
  • Glyphosate
  • Seaweed herbicide soap
