How To Care For A Kordana Rose
Kordana roses, also known as Kordes roses, are miniature containerized rose bushes developed for decorative indoor use. They can also be transplanted for outdoor use in containers or ground plantings in temperate to warm climates found in USDA zones 6 through 9. Kordana roses should be planted in areas protected from winds and chills with some direct sunlight or filtered sun daily. Water, feed and deadhead regularly as you would a full-size specimen.
Step 1
Water your kordana rose consistently to maintain evenly moist but not wet soil around the roots and at the surface soil.
Step 2
Feed your potted kordana rose four to six times per year with a water-soluble, general-purpose plant formula diluted in water to 25 percent strength. Feed ground-planted roses with a granular rose food twice per year in spring and again in early fall, watering in well after feeding.
- Kordana roses, also known as Kordes roses, are miniature containerized rose bushes developed for decorative indoor use.
- Kordana roses should be planted in areas protected from winds and chills with some direct sunlight or filtered sun daily.
Step 3
Deadhead the small blooms as they fade. Cut them down to 1/8 or 1/4 inch above a leaf node or bud axil to encourage full, bushy growth and bloom.
Step 4
Mulch around the base of a transplanted kordana rose with an inch or two of shredded bark, compost or cocoa bean hulls to hold moisture in the soil and insulate the roots from temperature fluctuations. Add more mulch over the crown to protect the rose overwinter when dormant.
Large Do Kordana Roses Get?
Kordana roses include some varieties that are considerably smaller than the ARS standard for miniatures. The growth habit is upright and the flowers are deep pink. Daniela" grows up to 8 inches tall and 7 inches wide. White-flowered "Ice Kordana" (Rosa "Ice Kordana") is slightly narrower than some of the other Kordes miniatures and grows 18 inches tall and about 12 inches wide. " These taller varieties might be grown in the middle of a traditional mixed border or dedicated rose bed.. Kordana roses were developed and sized for container culture. Provide consistent moisture.
- Deadhead the small blooms as they fade.
- These taller varieties might be grown in the middle of a traditional mixed border or dedicated rose bed.. Kordana roses were developed and sized for container culture.
Things Needed
- Secateurs
- Balanced water-soluble plant fertilizer
- Organic mulch
- The Columbus Dispatch
- Help Me Find Roses: Kordana Rose Listings
- Help Me Find Roses: Description — Daniela Kordana
- Help Me Find Roses: Description — Cinderella Kordana
- Help Me Find Roses: Description — Pink Marina Kordana
- Help Me Find Roses: Description — Goldy Kordana
- Help Me Find Roses: Description — Ice Kordana
- Help Me Find Roses: Description — Honey Kordana
- Help Me Find Roses: Description — Roxy Kordana
- Help Me Find Roses: Description — Amber Kordana
- 2012 American Rose Society Handbook for Selecting Roses; Phill Schorr, ed